Latest AGENDA...

All BS aside, me and the crew have some outdoor skills, but are not the hard core X-Games sort of madmen. We are proficient in some sports and suck at others. And quite honestly, for the next month while on Expedition4am, we are essentially Professional Bums, getting paid to travel from one activity to the next.

Good work if you can find it, but that's all. What does this mean in regards to our agenda? Easy-- our agenda is subject to change at any moment due to whims. Already today the agenda has been altered 3 times. Here's what I believe are the plans for the next few days...


Sunday - Jackson WY, chllin' and loading up for a full day hike tomorrow. No drinking tonight.

Monday - Climb Middle Teton. One day up and back... one very long day.

Tuesday - Jackson WY... Take Truckster in for repairs. Drink.

Wednesday - Leave Jackson for Bozeman, Montana.

Thursday - Do stuff in Bozeman. Drink.

Friday - Do more stuff in Bozeman. Drink.

Anyone is welcome and encouraged to join us!